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A Day In
Eden Park
Cincinnati, Ohio
February 25, 2000

Christopher T. Labrador

Doggie Swimming in City Park in February
Christopher T. Labrador
(Doggie Mug Shots)

Here's the story from Christopher himself:

On a beautiful, warm February day I took my Dad and Mom to the park.
Dad and I strolled off together while Mom played with her camera.

I have a big swimming pond at my park.  I took my Dad around to the back side of the pond first, though,
so I could take care of some private business.  I have Dad trained:  he brings plastic bags.

Then it was time for a refreshing dip in the old swimming hole.

Oh, the water felt so good!  Dad didn't think it was such a good idea I was in my
swimming hole and made me come out.

Get out of my way when I shake.

I sneaked back into the swimming hole.

I'm so pretty and shiny.  My coat is perfect for keeping me warm while I am swimming.

My swimming hole is quite big.

Dad thought it would be a good idea to sit in the sun for awhile before getting back into the car.
Tomorrow I'll go to the dog park with Catherine.  I'm not sure which I like more,
the dog park or my swimming hole park.

Did you enjoy my photos?  Please write to me and let me know!

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